This quiz is dedicated to the amazing and diverse Marvel Universe. You will face over 100 questions that will test how well you know this world. As you progress, you will encounter Superheroes many times who have valuable advice prepared for you. They will help you move forward. Remember, each question has exactly one correct answer. And each mistake will cost you hearts. Additionally, each mistake will keep you from your next meeting with a Superhero. But dont despair if you lose all your hearts. Youll always have one last chance. Be attentive! And good luck!
Too Fit Too Fat
Dynamic Jigsaw
Fall Fu Panda
Bounce Dunk Frvr
Daily Bento Organizer
Weapons Sounds Simulator
Plug Man Race
Baby Taylor Back To School
Bir In a Pot
Run 71 Speed
Fairy Blossom Quest
Truck Space 2
Stickman Heel Runner
Colored Rings
Guess The Flags
Draw Save Puzzle
Fill the Coffee Cup
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4 Colors Card Mania
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SpongeBob Find The Differences
Noob vs Pro Super Hero
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Fall Boys Ulimate Tournament 2024
Tricky Trees
Last Day On Earth Survival
Clumpsy Frogger 2D
Meteorite Miner
Zombie Royale Io